We try to make shipping charges are as accurate & fair as possible, Shipping for special orders will be discussed with the special order. Also, we do not ship on weekends or holidays. Your item is usually shipped within 2-3 days of your payment, however lately due to the demand for our Hand Dyes an additional 2-3 days may be needed, we will notify you if shipping time will be longer than this.

We currently accept payment through Etsy and PayPal, mainly because this offers Buyer and Seller protection for both parties. **We try our best to describe the item as completely as possible, but if you have any questions please ask us before completing a purchase. Thank you for taking the time to looks at our pre cut Kaleidoscope Kits. Please see terms and policies for shipping info. Thank you for looking and please let us know if you have any questions. We also do offer some other quilting / sewing books, patterns, fabrics, tools and notions. We do change over our inventory on these kits quite often so if you see something you want, you might want to snatch it up before it is gone. We offer a large array of Pre Cut Kaleidoscope Quilting Kits, we manually cut these kits and do all the hard work for you in cutting the repeats.