Jack and his wife, Lisa, began a home fellowship over thirty years ago with just six faithful souls. Jack and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over 42 years and lives in Southern California. Jack Hibbs is the senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, located in southern California.

Jack Hibbs serves on numerous national executive committees and boards including the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., a nationwide faith and public pew. Recently, “The Jack Hibbs Podcast” was launched and can be heard on all major podcast platforms.
Jack hibbs church plus#
Additionally, he is heard internationally in South and Central America on Daystar Espanol, plus Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands. ChatGPT has asked believers in a fully-packed church in Germany to rise from the pews and say their prayers. Weekly, the broadcast can be heard on over 500 stations in the United States, including SiriusXM satellite radio. Today, the church ministers weekly to over 14 thousand people on campus and to millions worldwide through the Real LIfe Television and Radio broadcast. Jack and his wife, Lisa, began Calvary Chapel Chino Hills as a home Bible study fellowship/church plant from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in 1990. Jack Hibbs is the founder and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. When I'm in California, I drive forty-five minutes to get to Jack Hibbs at Calvary.

Website: Social: Follow Jack Hibbs on Social media Quite frankly, it's hard to find a church preaching sound doctrine today. A sermon was broadcasted online and captured by Right Wing Watch. Jack began Calvary Chapel as a home fellowship church. The comments were made last week by pastor Jack Hibbs, who preaches at the Calvary Chapel church in Chino Hills, California.

Address: Real Life Ministry, BOX 1273 Chino Hills CA 91709 Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills located in Southern California.