
Before and after tummy tuck scars
Before and after tummy tuck scars

before and after tummy tuck scars

It’s important to work together with your surgeon in order to determine the right treatment plan for the results you want.


However, if you have skin laxity and/or excess fat and also need more muscle tightening, a full-fledged secondary tummy tuck may be in order. Sometimes, the right fix is a mini tummy tuck, which is effective for people who have excess skin and fat only below the belly button. If the belly button has healed in an unnatural-looking way (sometimes it becomes very small or elongated, so it looks like a slot), your surgeon may be able to address it with an umbilicoplasty, a fairly simple procedure with a short recovery time. Your tummy tuck revision surgery will depend on the problem that needs to be corrected.įor instance, residual fat deposits can often be removed via liposuction, and that procedure may also be combined with a radiofrequency body-contouring treatment, such as BodyTite, to produce a contraction in tissues to tighten excess skin. In the case of scar revision, it can take up to two years for the skin to stretch enough for surgery to be redone without any tension so that you’ll heal with a fine line. Before making any final judgments on your tummy tuck surgery, wait at least one year for the results to mature and stabilize. Tom Pousti a plastic surgeon in La Mesa, California.

before and after tummy tuck scars

“Generally, it takes many months for swelling to resolve after tummy tuck surgery-and it may take up to one year for complete skin redraping to occur,” says Dr. That said, it’s important to be aware that, in many cases, what seems like a negative or insufficient result may simply be the body going through its natural healing process. This is especially true in large transformations. It’s not uncommon to require further plastic surgery following a tummy tuck, to fine-tune the results. Your skin may also seem loose while sitting (but not when standing) if you have a lot of stretch marks, which have poor elasticity. Keep in mind though, it’s normal to have some excess skin in the midsection while sitting-otherwise it would be difficult to stand up straight. In this case, redundant skin can be removed just above the main horizontal tummy tuck scar. Patients may seek a tummy tuck revision for a number of reasons, including post-operative weight gain or weight loss, a pregnancy following the original tummy tuck procedure, poor healing, or dissatisfaction with the results of the first operation.įor instance, sometimes skin relaxes after several weeks or months and becomes a bit loose. The most common major complication was hematomas (blood collections), followed by infections, blood clots, and lung-related problems. In one 2015 study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the complication rate was double that of other surgeries-4% versus 1.4%. Tummy tuck surgery has the highest complication rate of all cosmetic surgery procedures, so a full-fledged revision will likely have a similar complication rate.Even a successful redo surgery will leave a permanent, noticeable, well-hidden scar that can extend across the abdomen.A revision tummy tuck is major surgery, with a long recovery.It’s standard for a surgeon to waive their fee in the case of a revision, according to many RealSelf doctors, though the patient will still need to cover the cost of the operating room, anesthesia, and supplies.It has a high success rate, with 91% of RealSelf members saying it’s “Worth It.”.A tummy tuck revision procedure may provide you with the result you were originally hoping for, with all the benefits you were expecting-including a trimmer waistline and smoother, firmer abdominal profile.

Before and after tummy tuck scars